Friday, July 6, 2007

Terrorist Exploit US postal system to threaten Wall Street

Terrorist Exploit US postal system to threaten Wall Street

Today the report emerged that a series of letters had been sent to 20 small to medium sized new papers all reading the same message threatening the integrity of security in Goldman Sachs. The message intended to obviously disrupt the sanctity of those working in this institution or possibly to upset confidence in the institution. Also this is invoking additional fear into employees atop current terror propaganda and attempts levels in the USA. This letter ensues the Glasgow airport incident where several suspects of Indian decent who were medical practitioners all
conspired to detonate petrol bombs at the airport and succeeded in superficially damaging the exterior of the airport and mainly injuring the assailants after the first two bombs did not detonate. Regardless of potency of the event it permeates the public consciousness.

The letters read:

Goldman Sachs.
Hundreds Will Die.
We are Inside.
You CANNOT Stop Us.

Speculation from officials investigating the case conceded this is a real threat meriting investigation but eluded to that there are a variant of possibilities that could explain the intent of the letter such as a disgruntled employee or an investor who may consider themselves to be slighted by the firm.

Regardless of the credibility or reason for the letter will there be ramifications to follow such a letter such as investor confidence, hiring conditions, and overall productivity or the firm?

My personal opinion is absolutely NOT! If one is to examine the letter closely after removing the idle threat you begin to see how ludicrous this letter actual is. #1 Al Qaeda, Hamas, Fatah, and the dozens of other splinter factions operate in a central leadership configuration. Meaning they do not act out any event without clearance from a commanding officer or tribal elder. In addition to this fact none of the known terrorist organization is know to send threatening letters to news agencies or any other institution for that matter. And to further that point why in world would someone alert the authorities to their intended actions? And even if the threat was imminent then what is the point of boasting?
My vote is disgruntled employee, whats yoru take?

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